Saturday, October 13, 2007

Finally cooler weather has come to us. Thursday morning it was about 70 degrees and my children were sitting on the porch with their sweatshirts and sweaters. #2 even had a scarf wrapped around his head. They were contemplating whether or not it would snow! That is how hot it has been lately. ------- The flea situation is greatly improved. We still see a couple a day, but that is bearable. I keep thinking about the Middle Ages when people lived with animals. They had bedbugs, fleas, lice, flies, you name it, all living in their house with them. I do not think I would handle that very well. -------- Yesterday at co-op I spent most of the time with a friend who has a 2 1/2 year old. He wouldn't go to the nursery because he needed to be with his mother so badly. I don't think I would have the energy for that. My kids did that every now and then, but it never lasted more than a couple of days. It reminded me of the time we went to Nashville when the kids were 3 and 1 1/2. We were at a Christian conference and the kids were in child care. #2 was so excited when he saw #1 go to his room and all of the fun he was going to have. But when I took #2 to his class, I was quickly called back to pick him up. He was crying and very upset about being in there. That was so unlike him that I kept him with me the rest of the evening. That night, back at our room, I was telling him tomorrow you will go to your class. I remember I was changing his diaper and he said, "Big kids, please!?" It was his first semi-sentence. So the next day I asked the attendants if we could try it for a little bit and if it didn't work he could go back to the 0-2 years class. They let him stay in the older class and he did better than his big brother! He colored and did arts and crafts, played, listened to books, just had a great time. #1 did fine, but he just wanted to play with cars. Neither one of them cared if I was around after that. Sometimes that was disappointing, like when other people's kids cried for their moms and acted like they couldn't live without them and mine just headed on without even waving good-bye. But really it was such a relief that mine didn't need all of that extra attention and I could go do "Big People Things" now and then.

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