Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lifting the Fog

Fog moves on little cat feet according to Carl Sandburg; it does have a quiet quality. I had hoped to watch the Leonid meteor shower last night, but when we woke at 4:30 the fog had silently enshrouded our little part of the world.
There were no stars to be seen. We couldn't know that there was a fabulous light show above our heads. All was dank, dark, and dreadful.
I have several friends right now going through dank, dark, dreadful times. They are enshrouded in a fog that has enclosed them in its grasp. They can not see the lights that shine outside of this dark cocoon.
But inside the fog, beautiful things are happening. These also can not be seen just now. Though the light show will be over when the fog lifts, they will see the beauty that was being developed during their times of darkness.
In all things, God works for good. Even when you can't see it.

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