Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Boring Post Meant for Family Members

I went to the podiatrist this morning, and it appears I was close to correct. I most likely did slip my ankle out of joint, though not break it, this past summer. Then I compensated for it by walking differently on the left foot. He gave me a prescription for anti-inflammatory and I go back in three weeks to see if it is getting any better. I also am to go to a certain shoestore this weekend and ask for the manager and get good shoes. The wind is blowing badly today. I guess that is ok since we aren't getting any of the snow that the northern states are getting. I am sure my family is ready to be done with winter though. They had 18 inches of snow and are expecting another 12 in the next couple of days. I took #1 to play practice yesterday, and I was to be the monitor. When we got there we found out that he wasn't scheduled for then, and they told me I could leave as well since there were only 4 kids in practice for the evening. So #1 and I came on back home. We had a nice conversation in the van while we traveled back and forth though. I have been enjoying talking with him lately. He's a smart kid and growing up so fast. In History now he is studying WW2. Currently he is reading a biography of Hitler, and I asked him what he learned about being a leader from it. He said that a leader is a good speaker, and just by his words a good leader can get lots of people to do what he wants. He didn't pick up on the fact that I have been grooming him to be a good speaker. I have high expectations for both of my sons, but this one in particular will be a leader and I want him to be a good one. Definitely NOT a Hitler. Since we were able to be home a little earlier than expected, Hubby and I were able to celebrate our Valentine together. The rest of the week looks horrendous, so we went to Olive Garden for dinner and then to Baskin-Robbins for dessert. It was enjoyable to sit and visit with each other. Then when we got back, I started working on taxes and finished watching Anne Frank with #1. We need to get taxes done quickly so I can get the FAFSA in by the 15th. This post sounds very boring. Sorry.

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