Thursday, June 03, 2010

School's Out

I have spent today working on the boys' school book. I make one every year showing what they did in school, how they changed and grew, and what exciting things they accomplished. This year was impressive to say the least. I know it will sound like bragging, but really they did a lot! Both won several contests and activities...Geography, Essays, Speeches, Envirothons...and added to their cash as well. There were lots of pictures and school papers to be added to the book. The funniest though were the journal entries from our trip out West. Things like..."Saw Old Faithful today. It wasn't worth it." or "We got ice cream." You would think this was the sort of trip you take any old time. Through the eyes of a child the world is different. So one more year down, six more to go. As I was picking out porch paint last week with #1 he commented that the 5 year warranty meant I wouldn't have to paint again until he goes away to college. Oh my goodness time will fly!

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