Friday, October 12, 2012

MY Kitchen

Last week the boys were using my kitchen. They are completing a cooking project this year for 4H, and so I have to let them use the kitchen. I believe I already told you that #2 made pancakes and ended up with batter on his back. Yes, his BACK!
Then it was cupcake time. The place was left a mess with chocolate batter dripping down the INSIDE of the cupboard door! How in the world do you manage that? I have since found batter on the wall underneath the counter- not sure how that happened either.
Several days ago, #1 was eating a small piece of pumpkin bread in the kitchen. He was using a large dinner plate, which I had almost told him to exchange for a small bread plate, but decided not to. He finished, and I looked at the crumb-covered table. "How do you manage to use a huge plate and still get crumbs all over the table?" I asked.
"It's a talent," he smugly remarked.
I guess I can get used to sharing the kitchen with the boys. Perhaps with time they will become less messy, but what I can not abide are the MICE! I found my first dead mouse of the season on Saturday. It had crawled under the stove to die. I know we live near farm fields. I know the mice have to go somewhere, and that they are hungry. But do they HAVE to choose my kitchen to go into!? They are probably eating cake batter off the cupboard door.

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