Thursday, October 11, 2012

One Day at a Time

Last week I was telling myself I only had to get through that week. I would just have to be patient, accept that I could not control most things, and then it would be over. The week went fairly well with no major mishaps.
Monday- Co-op all day, pick up a kid and take him with us to play practice, pick up Hubby's car from the shop after it broke down the week before
Tuesday- First Geography Club meeting, two 4H club meetings, LOTS of rain to mess with, monitor play practice to fill in for someone who didn't show
Wednesday- Get #1 to Math class, grocery shop, host an unexpected Political Meet and Greet Committee meeting, Take dinner to church and host the Family Night- Hubby took care of getting #1 to and from practice
Thursday- Monitor play practice because it was actually my turn to, get kids to radio and Packing 4 the Patriots to do community service, and go to the fair
Friday- Math class, fix a bike, Yearbook meeting

So I was looking forward to this week, until along about Friday morning I started looking at the calendar.
Monday- Co-op all day, NO play practice, Youth Group party in evening
Tuesday- Play Practice and 4H Political Meet and Greet at night
Wednesday- Math, Play practice and church
Thursday- Play practice, Wedding Rehearsal
Friday- Math, SGA, Hubby's last night to teach for this term (Next one starts the 19th)

I guess that does actually look better. I am posting this as a scheduled post, so it is hard to tell what will happen in the meantime. Now you see why I was needing a vacation last week! But still I find if I can go into it thinking that it will be horrible and I just have to get through this bit, then I do ok. Once the Political Meet and Greet is over then we head into getting the Fall Dance together. After that we just have to finish up the play, complete project record books for 4H, and oh, yeah, do school! Maybe it is better not to look at the calendar after all.

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