Saturday, February 23, 2008

I decided to be proactive the other night and see if I could find some cheaper health insurance. Our's renews in June and it always goes up some. So I got on some of Clark Howard's sites and asked for quotes. Yesterday I answered the phone about every hour to hear another quote. Two agents actually said what I have sounds pretty good and if I'm not unhappy with the service I might as well stay with them. That was good to hear from someone who is not my agent! One guy said instead of looking at it as paying $444 for insurance, look at it as paying $111 for each person. Then it isn't so bad. It does sound a bit better, but then I added the deductible and it came to $319 per person. Should have left it alone. #1 was "queasy" again last night and I think we made a connection. He seems to get that way when he has dark soda. We had popcorn and rootbeer last night while we watched The Brady Bunch. So we will stop dark sodas and see if that makes any difference. #2 has awakened two mornings in a row now looking like a balloon. His poor little face is all swollen and his eye nearly shut. He says it doesn't hurt and the itching isn't too bad, so we are letting it go. I called a nurse practitioner friend and she said if he isn't having trouble breathing and isn't miserable with itching, then let it go. So he has had oatmeal baths, Caladryl Clear, Aveeno, and cold compresses, as well as lots of Benadryl. I just want to hug him he looks so bad. On a sweet medical note...My cousin's wife had a daughter this morning. No name yet, but they are fine. 7 Pounds, 11.7 ounces.

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