Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I have three friends here that are a lot of fun. We are in 4-H together, our kids love each other, and we enjoy being together without children. Our ages range about 15 years, we were raised in different ways, our religious backgrounds vary, we have different personality "types", but we really enjoy each other. I think what draws us together is a strong desire to serve God and man. Yesterday I told them I had a question and its answer would determine if I could still be their friend. I asked if they believe all of this "global warming stuff." They all said, "No." So that was it; we are no longer friends. I came home and asked my husband the same thing, and he wouldn't answer because he wants to be friends. Actually we are all still friends, and I found out something interesting. Some people see "global warming stuff" as being wrapped up in a bunch of "liberal hooey." As I continued to question my friends, I told them I didn't understand, because they sounded like they do believe in global warming. It was the actual cause of global warming that they question. See the cause isn't really all that important to me, I just want to do what I can to help my home (and my pocketbook). I look at what I do now affecting how my grandchildren will live. Hubby said there are "people" out there who think even with 5 kids I should be riding a bike everywhere I go. That is not something I hear when I listen to stories about global warming. What I hear are questions about how are we going to deal with rising ocean levels, flooding, pollution, increased fuel consumption, etc. I guess for me global warming is occuring, but I don't need all of the reasons why. I do think people have some responsibility. There are more people on earth than ever before and they are using more energy than ever before. That has to lead to more pollution and more "warming." But I am open to cyclical aspects to the earth as well. There was an Ice Age just about 150 years ago in Europe. I much prefer warming than Ice Ages. So we four are still friends, and hubby is still my Lover, but once again I see how people can hear the same thing differently.

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