Monday, February 25, 2008

I took #2 to the doctor on Saturday afternoon because the Benadryl wasn't helping any longer. They put him on Prednisone, and the swelling went down quickly. Yesterday at church people were saying how badly he looked, but I would say, "No he looks a lot better." The poor thing looked like his face was at least twice the size on Saturday and his eye was nearly swollen shut. But he kept insisting that he was fine...he didn't want a shot! He took another oatmeal bath last night and this morning he looks much improved. He says his face still itches some, but the rest is ok. I went for a walk yesterday again. Kelly had gone to visit the neighbors yet again. I had to go pick her up in the van on Saturday because there was a storm and she wouldn't come back. When I walked over yesterday, the Dad of the house was outside with the kids. He said, "Hey! Is that your dog?" I answered, "No, I thought she was yours!" He seems like a nice guy, and the kids are sweet, too. I think we will have to have them over for dinner soon to apologize for our little girl's intrusions.

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