Monday, February 18, 2008

Yesterday #1 was SOO hungry during church, and then when we got to the restaurant, he wouldn't eat. He wasn't feeling well again. Last night he also was complaining. So today we headed to the doctor. I waited with him for over 2 hours, then hubby came and waited so I could get home to receive #5 at noon. They got back around 12:30 only to tell me nothing is wrong. They took an Xray and he looks a little backed up, so I am making bread and kicking myself that I paid $150 to find out what I suspected...nothing. He comes from my mother's side of the family, it's just not right if something isn't wrong! The nurse basically told me I am a bad mother for letting this go for a month, but she doesn't know what I know. ---------- I went for a walk in the new neighborhood yesterday. I couldn't find Kelly and wanted a walk, so I went on a suspicion. Sure enough, here she came out of a driveway. I started talking to some kids and they told me she is over at their house all of the time. They thought she must live on the farm though, because they had seen her there before. They call her Callie and Cowgirl, and wondered why she always came to them when they called. No wonder...the name was so close! She has been trying to dig holes under their fence! Great! It's a good thing she is so lovable, or someone would have shot her by now.

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