Monday, September 21, 2009

Fasting Ended

Fasting went well in my opinion. I started my fast the night before, and the boys started after breakfast. About 10:30 #1 asked what is for lunch, and then realized there wasn't going to be lunch. That was when I told him when you fast, and the hunger hits you, you pray for whatever it is you are fasting. After that, I would hear him wander into the kitchen to get something to eat, and then say, "God, help the kids that won't eat today." It was said with a deep sigh, but it was said. We ended up breaking the fast at ten hours for both of them, and 22-23 hours for me. They had parties to go to, and I didn't want them feeling sick at the parties. #1 told me he learned that he didn't like fasting. I don't know how much he learned about the children in Africa and their situation, but maybe it will strike a chord later. I, on the other hand, realized how much eating is a habit for me. I wasn't necessarily hungry some of the time, but I would start toward the kitchen because it was time to start cooking. My routines around the house were more noticeable. That made me think how sad it would be to NOT have a routine of cooking and eating.

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