Friday, September 25, 2009

A Teacher's High

Yesterday was our writing class. I have 8 students, including two of my own, and we meet once a week for about an hour and a half. This was our third class, and I have to say I was not ready for the response. When we began the class, it was regarded as a punishment by nearly every student. Writing is not FUN, and certainly if we mothers understood the torture of it, we would surely pull our kids right out of class. I tried starting class with public contests, so that the motivation of winning lucre might take effect. Yes, they want to win, but no, they don't want to write. One essay had to be 100 words, and the other had to be 500. They were stunned and mortified. But then yesterday we began writing with adjectives and action verbs to enhance our writing, and you would not believe the remarks those kids were making. "Can't we write more?!" "What! Only 100 words! That's not enough." I told them after this contest we will take their short essays and write longer fiction. Several of them cheered, "Yes!" I was so excited myself. It was such a pleasure to see them enjoy writing and working together. They were typing their stories the last half hour, and each was sharing what he/she was writing. It was a wonderful teacher high.

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