Wednesday, December 30, 2009

All Boy

Eleven years ago today #1 became a big brother. It is startling to realize that #2 is now in his second decade. If it goes as quickly as the first, he will be twenty before the cat can twitch its tail. He has kept us on our toes from the beginning. He was a crier as a baby, never liking to be held for too long. He flipped over and crawled out of his bouncy seat by three months, pulled up at five months, and moved on to walking about nine months. When he was just a year old he would run into the in-law's kitchen, pull a chair to the door, and unlock the dead bolt to get outside. He hasn't slowed down a bit.
While we were home for Christmas, we went for a walk through the snowy lane. Hubby and #2 found this paper wasps' nest, and they just had to throw snowballs at it! For Christmas he received a bb gun from Santa, and Christmas evening was outside target practicing. His big adventure for his birthday was a desire to take the bb gun out and shoot rabbits for dinner. He did go out yesterday, but no rabbits were to be found. We went to CiCi's for lunch; pizza was a lot less trouble than butchering rabbits anyway.
At lunch I asked the boys their favorite tv show. #2 said he doesn't have one. That is likely true; he doesn't stay still long for a show. However, after a little thought, he came up with "Antiques Road Show" on PBS. He received this antique belt buckle for his birthday. He went antiquing with his grandparents last spring and picked it out. He still remembered it when he opened the package.
I was speaking with one of my aunts last week and she made a comment about #2. She said that when I was pregnant with him, she had felt sorry for him. #1 is so intelligent and bright that she felt that any other child would fade into the background next to him. But, she declared, he has held his own very well. "He's just a little miracle!" I completely agree.
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