Friday, December 04, 2009

When Will It End!?

"Now I remember why we don't have school in December! I want to quit 4-H!! I HATE 4-H!!!" That was me last night about 8:00. I have spent the last two days working on #2's project records. He actually had a lot of it already done, since we do 4-H as part of school during the year. It was the finding things, correcting spelling errors, etc. that drove me mad. Today I start on #1. Perhaps it will go better. I am nearly over the cold, but yesterday felt like I was full of Jello, shaky and wobbly. Then #1 started getting sick. I thought for sure we were headed for antibiotic for his ears, but it looks like we may have made it into the clear. Today he is coughing and grumpy, but says his ears don't hurt. ----------- Those who have known me for long, know that my hair comes in many colors. It is natural. I have some hairs that are black, coarse, and curly. Others are thin, poker straight, and blond. I also have mixed in reds and browns of various thickness and coarseness. However, it seems in the last few days that I have added a new hair: gray. Yeah. I can't be sure if it is just more of the really, really blond ones or if they are actually gray, but it looks like 20 years with Hubby is finally taking its toll. That's my take on it anyway. Love you, Big Guy!

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