Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pre-Christmas in WV

We made it to WV in about 10 hours instead of 8, but that was much better than what we had imagined it might be. The roads were clear, and the only problem we had was sitting on I-95 in traffic. We arrived late Sunday evening and were able to get in an hour of visiting before bed.
The kids have been anxious to open all of the presents. We opened presents from the aunts and uncles on Monday. The boys received remote control planes from their aunt and uncle, and we promptly caught both of them in trees. They have been dislodged, after much throwing of snowballs and pulling of wild grapevines, but we are excited to try them at the other grandparents where trees are not so plentiful. On Tuesday we traveled to the extended family and opened presents there. Finally, this morning the kids were allowed to open the grandparents' presents. Giving is nearly as much fun as receiving for them, and #2 was happy to give everyone his salsa this year made from his own tomatoes.
I received a programmable crockpot. I had asked for one in hopes that dinner times when I am busy with other things can be a little less hectic. I also got a new cookbook while we were in Myrtle Beach, so maybe there will be some new meals in our future.
We gave the last grandchild a monkey. Now all of the grandkids have sock monkeys. #1 has loved his to death, and I was not sure we should even bring it this far. Nephew #1 (THE ONLY ONE) seems to like his monkey. The girls haven't been fond of theirs. Perhaps the tradition will live on in this new boy.
Here are the five grandchildren together. I know some of you around the country are happy to see this picture. The kids all love their cousins, and Hubby's brother's family is doing well.
After the WV basketball game, we will head to my hometown for a couple of days. I won't be able to update from there, so see you in a few days. Merry Christmas Everyone!

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