Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Holiday Banquet

Our annual church Holiday Banquet and Talent Show was this past Sunday evening. #2 and his buddy decided that they would show off tricks with their "Whizzers". Whizzers are buttons on a string that you try to keep rotating by pulling on the string. It truly is a talent; it took me a LONG time to figure out how to do them. You can judge how difficult it is based on how talented you believe me to be; just don't comment about it.
Anyway, the string kept breaking and so #2 didn't get to complete his best trick. He puts one end of the string around his teeth and only uses one hand to keep it going. After everything was over he was in tears because he didn't get to finish it right. He seems to be in that stage. He can't take things going wrongly. He will grow out of it soon if he sticks to his brother's schedule.
Hubby did his annual spoof on Prairie Home Companion. He writes a story each year about something that happens at our church. This year it was that we decided to have an Easter sunrise service between Christmas and New Year's Eve. There was snow, tongues stuck to metal chairs, and snowbunnies with hula hoops. He gets thrown off when people laugh, because then he starts laughing. You can see him trying to keep a straight face in the picture. ----------- Today I retrieved a few friends for my boys to play with. They spent several hours outside making a fort. I will take pictures tomorrow, but it is taller than I am and about 15 feet long. Other kids were in school today, but mine learned a lot about stability, support systems, and fresh air. I love home schooling.
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