Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well whatever gave me a headache today wiped me out and I am good for nothing. We managed to have school, but instead of doing my own school this evening, I think we will be running errands. That involves little thinking. Perhaps I will feel better tomorrow. Last night after church I dropped off our little buddy at his house and then walked with his mom. We walk several times a week. (on a good week) While we were walking she told me that Target had cereal 4/$10 and then you got a $5 gift card back. That made it $1.25 a box! So we only did a couple of laps and then headed to Target. Her son is going through an eating time too. Last night he was eating a bowl of cereal while they fixed dinner, had a bowl of spaghetti squash while they waited on dinner to bake, and then ate dinner. That is about where my boys are as well. So I bought 8 boxes of cereal. I have a running bet with myself that the first box will be gone in one day. It is nearly finished now and I have 5 more hours left. I also bought Nutrigrain bars because they had the same special. #2 has been looking mournfully at the snack box lately and telling me that it is empty. He will go in the pantry and stand and stare at it as if by magic it will fill with something to eat. I bought 4 boxes and I am pretty sure they are about half gone already. Part of my evening errands is to head back and get more of the goodies. I told my friend that my dad always asks if we are about out of meat. This is the first time that I have had to say yes we are! I took #1 to practice last night and worked on Envirothon things out in the parking lot. A friend joined me and we were able to figure out how to link a page in Powerpoint to another page in the presentation! So now we can play Jeopardy in Envirothon and practice with a little high tech fun. We will be meeting here on Monday to practice, practice, practice. The competition is Tuesday. I am planning on Envirothon $20,000 Pyramid, Envirothon Taboo, and Envirothon Jeopardy. We will also be doing some quick question review as well. I hope they do fabulously; they have certainly tried hard all year. Monday I was folding laundry and talking to #5. He is a trip to talk to at times. I'm folding towels and he says, "I pick my nose at night. Then I wipe it on the wall. I don't have a tissue in bed, so I just wipe it on the wall." I asked if he washes the wall. "No. No one in my family knows I do it." I asked can't they see the boogers hanging on the wall. "No. I stick them down in the crack between the wall and the bed." Yes, I ratted him out when his mother came. This morning #2 came in to hug me as I was fixing my hair. "Why do you look beautiful today?" Gee, I don't know, but I like the compliment. He is my favorite son today.

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