Thursday, March 11, 2010

Your Poetry Is Too Loud, Ma'am

We just received an email that #2 took first place in the county for the essay and poster contest in the Soil Conservation Dept. Today they went on to the District level and his poster placed third and the essay first! That means he has won $160!!! He is very excited and asked how much of that money could he keep. I told him we would talk. He wants some money for when we go to Wolf Lodge again, and I told him maybe that would help pay for summer camp, too. He wants to go to the science camp again this year. I got in trouble at the library today. I was playing an Iron Maiden song too loudly. Yeah, the preacher's wife was misbehaving. We had writing class there again today, and we are studying poetry now. Today we covered end rhyme and were looking at The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I read some of it to the boys, but mostly I just told the story. Then we listened to the song by Iron Maiden. The librarian came in and asked us to turn it down since there was another class next to us. He looked confused when he came in and saw the Young Poet Society rockin'. I guess it had to happen, since this Angel fell from Heaven last week anyway. I was taking a nap upstairs, and when I started to walk downstairs in my sock feet, I slipped. I slammed both elbows, my back and head, and other unmentionables. I thought for quite a while that I had broken my left elbow, but it was just very badly hurt. Of course, the whole time I am trying not to pass out from the pain all I can think of is..."Broken bones are not covered on our policy. How much is this going to cost?!" Thankfully, my personal PA, Miss Diann, was able to look at it at church and declare me only badly bruised. You don't realize how much you lean on elbows until it hurts to do it. This Mabel hasn't had any trouble keeping her elbows off the table, that's for sure!

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