Wednesday, January 12, 2011

#2 and My Back

"Why are you putting the curtains up?" asked #2. "Because I washed them last week and now I need to hang them up." "Oh. I thought you were taking them down for winter." He had no reason for me as to why I would take them down for the winter. I have no idea. "You should put more blue on that hat and then finish in yellow," observed #2 about my knitting. I thought I would end it in blue and then make a yellow pom-pom for the top." "I thought it was for Isaac." (my nearly 3 year old nephew) "Yes." "You don't put pom-poms on boys' hats. He'll get made fun of and wish he could crawl in a hole." "He's 3. It's ok to put pom-poms on 3 year old boys' hats." "No. His parents will take a picture and show it to his girlfriend some day. She will look at the picture and cry, "You were so wierd! I can't possibly date you!" and then he will never get married and it will be all your fault." There won't be a pom-pom on your hat Isaac. I went back to the chiropractor yesterday and today, and I go again tomorrow. I am a category 2 out of 4. Four means surgery. He informed me I am much too young for even category 2, so off I have gone for shock therapy and the traction bed. My back is having spasms and that Mac truck continues to run over me. This might be one of the hardest New Year's Resolutions I have ever made. I hope it ends up being a great thing.

1 comment:

LC said...

#2 seems determined to figure life out completely and to share what he's learned! Made me laugh! Not so back chronicles. Ouch!