Friday, January 21, 2011

Bless Your Heart

Our local paper has a section called Bless Your Heart. You can submit local comments as either real bless your hearts (Thank you to the guy who paid for my meal in the Taco Bell line.) or they can be "Southern Bless Your Hearts", which means it is not a nice thing (You're as bright as a burned out light bulb, bless your heart.). My husband and I enjoy reading this section because the comments can be so funny. Here is one from yesterday: Clothing stores continue to decrease their inventory in dresses each year. Styles are very unflattering. I think this is forcing women to wear pants to church. Hubby said he quite agrees and any woman worth her salt should learn to sew and wear a dress to church! (Tongue in cheek of course) I am left wondering is this person serious or is this a tongue in cheek remark on his/her part? So have you seen the woman who fell into the mall fountain because she was texting while walking? Her comment: "Texting and walking can be very dangerous." I wonder if she texts while driving? Bless her heart. ------- Solved lots of the world's problems last night as I lay awake for several hours. Ok, perhaps not the world's problems, but my little part of the world anyway. ------- Thank you to those who remembered my birthday yesterday. I had a lovely day teaching enjoyable kids. We went to dinner at Dickey's for some Texas brisket- which is very, very hard to find in Eastern Carolina, and then came home to fall asleep on the couch. Perhaps that is why I had trouble sleeping last night.

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