Friday, January 28, 2011


This was a surprised boy. His friends wanted to throw him a surprise party since he wasn't planning on doing anything special. We emailed his school friends and told them to be at CiCi's Pizza yesterday at 4:45. When we got there after school they were already gathered at the back of the restaurant. He didn't even notice until they jumped up from the floor and yelled, "Surprise!" He got a big smile and turned red.
One of the girls made him a cake-- very yummy chocolate, from scratch!-- and her mom decorated it since she didn't have her composition done for class the next day. Shame on her!
There were about 12 kids. Hubby and I stayed about 3 tables away with another mom. Two women came over at different times to tell me how impressed they were with the kids. They really were very well-behaved. The second woman even said, "I work with teens and they don't act like that!" We never once had to quiet them down or make a reprimand. I love all my kids!

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