Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Chicken Soup

The family is dropping like flies. Hubby started on Sunday, and the boys have slowly fallen to the crud over the last couple of days. This morning everyone was coughing. I guess that was my "Morning Coughy". They have low grade fevers and lots of cough. I just made a pot of chicken soup, and we will have lunch shortly. There's just nothing like a pot of real chicken soup. There are now 2 jars of my chicken left. Those who don't know, I can't eat regular store bought chicken. I haven't had it for years. It makes me very sick. But for some reason I don't have any trouble with my own chickens. One doctor said it had to do with a parasite that factory farm chickens carry. Anyway, the chickens should start laying again January 10-11 if they follow the normal schedule. I guess those that don't lay will end up in the canning jar or freezer to restock my supply. Hubby bought me new knives for Christmas just for butchering. The rule around here is be productive or be a product. All those coughing sickies better remember that!

1 comment:

LC said...

Sorry family under the weather, but i had to chuckle about morning coughy and be productive or be a product. Hats off to the mommy holding the fort!