Monday, August 22, 2011

Demons of Darkness

There appears to be a little demon of darkness living over my house. He is especially fond of breaking things. I have spent the last few weeks repairing or calling for repairs.Both weedeaters broke, upsetting the homeowners but not the rent-free dwellers! Hubby got one of the weedeaters to behave long enough on Saturday to get around the house and a few other weedy spots.
The dryer that he fixed a couple of weeks ago is still acting up, now refusing to heat. That means I have been hanging all of the laundry, which for now is fine but in a few months I will need something done.
The new refrigerator isn't working right in the water and ice area, and I still need to call about that.
The air conditioner downstairs was out of whack and needed a new "capacitor". All I could think of was Back to the Future and the "flux capacitor" when the repairman told me that! Anyway we got that fixed, but at the same time discovered the upstairs unit wasn't working right. So we had a part under warranty exchanged, but also had to fill the refrigerant. NOT cheap!
While we had the air men here we finally got a price and schedule to put in a new unit downstairs and that has been completed. You can actually hear air coming out of the vents now. That has never been heard since the day we moved in here!
So now that school has officially started perhaps the demons will be too busy foiling homework plans to mess with anything else in the appliance area.

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