Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Chasing Your Tail

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope your day and your year are filled with happiness and good health.

Our new puppy will certainly be keeping us busy in 2013, and I hope that he adds happiness and good health to our lives as well. I know he is already adding lessons to my life. I have been noticing that he ignores his tail all day, and then in the evening, as shadows lengthen and darkness falls, he curls up in a ball to rest. Peeking out one eye, he sees that tail is back again. He chased it last evening until it had him dizzy and worn-out. Now it is back for another round.
He growls and grabs hold of it with his teeth, then jumping to his feet, he has to let go of the tail. He turns in circles, chasing that tail faster and harder, but never quite catching up to it. I am not sure that he knows what it is. It doesn't bother him all day, it doesn't serve any purpose that he can see, and yet it keeps showing up!
Some people are like that with their spiritual lives. They are busy doing the daily things of life and completely ignore that little niggling at the back of their minds. But when the day lengthens into night and they are left alone in peace, they begin to wrestle with themselves. That is their spiritual tail reminding them that it has been there all day, and it will no longer be ignored.
As this pup grows, he will someday not bother to chase his tail. He will give it no mind as he curls up to rest for the night. And some people will do the same.
After years of rolling around with God, grabbing hold and then letting go, forgetting that He is there in the busyness of daily life, they will curl up some night and never think of Him again. Don't let that be you!  Grab on hard to your spiritual tail and don't let go when you jump up. Let God know you haven't forgotten Him.This year, chase your tail!

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