Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The boys went to pick out Mother's Day cards last night. Today #2 told me about one they had wanted to get. It had a daughter thanking the mother for teaching her how to cook. The mother said get some money, buy some fast food, put it in a dish, turn on the oven, and he will think you cooked it! This is certainly not the way I cook. When we were in WV last week, my mother forgot to buy some cookies that she was giving to someone for their birthday. #2 said, "You know what that means. Make them from scratch." Oh no it doesn't was my mother's reply! "Hard work has its own reward you know, Grandma," replied #2. What a hoot. I much prefer the taste of fresh food. Today we picked strawberries with the 4-H. A friend told me they won't be good for jam though, because we have had rain recently. I hope there are some good ones left after our vacation so I can have some real jam. ____ Boys have no brain. Today they were "playing" judo by actually kicking each other. Of course #4 got hurt. He actually had a footprint on his rib cage! Then they stood out in the rain talking to each other. It was not a gentle mist, but a downpour. I guess since boys have no brain is why they think with their pants when they get a little older. Can't wait for that stage!

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