Thursday, May 31, 2007

We had a discussion about Martin Luther King, Jr. and civil rights last evening. He was a very eloquent writer and speaker. He also seemed to have a lot of self-control. I noticed that his work took place during the time that the Black Panthers were also going about their business. They were at different extremes of the continuum though. It must have been so frustrating to feel like you not only have to fight against civil injustice, but you also have to fight against those who are fighting it in their own way. I have been reminded lately that a gentle word turns away wrath, but it doesn't seem to always work. The proverbs are situational ethics, not absolute truths. Our neighbor is mad at us for putting a drain across the road. I am trying to be calm and speak gently to him, but he just seems to think that I am not upset or doing anything about the problem. I guess I am a pacifist and he is a panther. -------- The new sliding door and the rest of the new windows come today. Soon we will have a brand new house!

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