Monday, May 07, 2007

I cleaned out the attic this weekend to prepare for the used curriculum sale this coming weekend. There are several nice things, that I feel a bit badly about getting rid of, but I know that we won't use them. They aren't things I will use, but they sure do look good. That little pack rat shows his head now and then. I am planning on reducing prices Saturday as the morning progresses. We are getting excited about our yearly trip to the Smokie Mountains. #2 has packed his (my) tape measure so that he can measure the fish they catch. Both boys are looking forward to buying Harry Potter candy at one of the stores...Bertie Botts All Flavor Jelly Beans, Cockroach Clusters, Ice Mice. Sounds great, huh? I made cookie dough yesterday and froze it. We will go swimming in the evening and then have warm cookies before bed. I spoke to my sis-in-law and her daughter is looking forward to painting herself like an indian in the creek. #2 did that last year at Cade's Cove. This year we will be trying the aquarium and a new show, The Miracle. Shopping is for everyone, book stores for our family, and clothing outlets for the others. But mostly we look forward to being together, watching the cousins play together, resting and relaxing. Can't wait.

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