Thursday, May 10, 2007

Last night lead to an interesting discussion about people who are targeted for church. We were reading a hymn by Charles Wesley and he wrote of harlots, thieves, murderers, and a hellish crew. We certainly don't sing of such things anymore, but we don't think that those people are expected to be interested in church or Christ. In looking at our congregation, it would seem that we aren't quite as hung up on only inviting the "clean" people. But, it makes for a lot of burden carrying, which is what family is supposed to do I guess. I also heard about some things that are being said at public school and I am glad my children are not being exposed to those things. I may be accused of sheltering my children, but what I shelter them from is not going to turn them into strange people. They are learning how to help society, not be a liability to society. Except of course for #2. Yesterday the boys went to feed and #1 came back in to say that #2 had his head caught in the fence. Dad went out to check and sure enough, he had put the goats in the pen and then stuck his head through the bars of the pen and got caught. Elvis was trying to eat his hair. Thank goodness he didn't butt #2 in the head. He is already disturbed enough without a goat head butt.

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