Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It took a lot of traveling around town, but I finally got the pictures printed that I wanted for the kids' yearbook scrapbook of school. I finished making it last night and then had the awesome job of organizing all of my paraphernalia this morning. I was struck, yet again!, at how much my boys do in a year. They really are getting a very good education. Here is a sample: Geography co-op for a semester, ECU art for 2 semesters, 2 co-ops, 4-H (lots here), trip to PA, NY, Canada, DC, Old Salem, fire fighting clowns, dental health nurse visit, Blackbeard's visit, cooking and sewing lessons, Greek lessons, writing contests, the fair exhibits, Cultural Fair, plays attended, astronomy lecture, storyteller, and on and on it goes. They also read voraciously, have math, history, and science lessons, and now are starting piano. No wonder we are ready for summer vacation when it comes. Besides organizing this morning I also mowed most of the yard. I left a good bit around the pond area and some other higher grass in a section of the back. It is suppposed to be a wild area, but I don't want the neighbors too mad at me. I did see a lot of bees, so hopefully our little section of the world is helping their population.

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