Thursday, June 04, 2009

Roosters Are Country Music

I was planning on butchering a rooster this evening and some hens tomorrow, but it looks like we will be having rain. I butcher out in the back of the barn, so rain isn't conducive to butchering. I had hoped to get that done before the boys come back though, so I may just have to get wet. We have to catch the rooster in the evening, and the hens too, but I will put the hens in a cage and save for tomorrow. The rooster would be too feisty to wait until tomorrow. My plan is to get an incubator later this summer and start raising my own flock. I think it will pay for the incubator in the long run. I often have people stopping by to ask if I will sell chickens. The eggs have been profitable lately, too. It is just when I don't get eggs in the winter, but still have to feed the chickens, that it doesn't seem like a good idea. I may have to turn on a light for them this winter. --------- I like country music. I like that I can usually understand most of the words, and I like that no one yells or makes a lot of noise with guitars. I also like that the songs usually tell a story- even if it isn't a good, moral story. But I think one of my favorite reasons for liking country music is that it is religious. Jesus and God are often mentioned in favorable terms. So I thought I would have a little "series" on country music for a few days. I think I will write about some songs I enjoy and what they speak to me about my faith. Here is a little quip just to wet your whistle. I don't know the whole song, as it was a new one to me, but I heard a fragment the other day..."If you want to hear God laugh, just tell Him your plans." God rarely lets me follow through on my plans. In fact, if I say something like...I will NEVER marry a preacher...then somehow it seems to come to pass. But the Bible often says "and it came to pass" so I guess I am just staying scriptural. God's plans always seem hard to follow. He isn't very good at drawing maps, or maybe I am not good at reading them, but I always like where I end up after the trip is over. I wonder how much He is laughing now as I try to go to grad school, figure out a job, raise a family, build a house, lead a church. He must be getting quite the chuckle.

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