Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

What a long weekend I had. I can't believe it is Tuesday already. The time has been so filled that I somehow missed a day. The most important event, to some anyway, was the birth of 10 TEN! goats in four days!! We had our first set of quads this go-round. Mary, the extremely fertile goat of the bunch, was the poor mother who had to manage that. She had triplets the very first time she kidded, so it was no surprise that she was the one who would manage quads, but she never showed signs of being ready. Hubby just went out Thursday afternoon to walk the dog and he heard the cries in the back of the barn. There they were: four precious babes. The sad news is that three have died. I imagine it was due to too much inbreeding- and I will be selling these bucks at the stock sale as soon as they are mature!- but one has survived and is doing fine. So that was Thursday. Friday evening I went out to feed and could tell Madison was in labor. I went back out in less than an hour and Maddie had had a singleton, a sweet black and brown billy. But Faye had also had triplets! Yes, in less than an hour, Faye went into labor, birthed triplets, and cleaned them up. By the time I got out there they were up and dry! What a woman!! Sometime Saturday night Emma had twins, and now all of the kidding is done. Phew! So we had 10 kids in 4 days and now have 7 that are lively and playful. And that is where the time goes.

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