Friday, June 01, 2007

I was out early this morning. The moon was so full and bright last night that I thought perhaps Millie would have dropped the kids during the night. She didn't. She was having some trouble yesterday morning getting up and down, but nothing there either. It has to be soon or she will explode! The windows and door were finished up yesterday, and they look nice. There is a screen on the door and that may be my favorite part. Now we can leave it open and let a breeze flow through the house. It will be interesting to see how the Low E helps in the sunroom too; it can really get hot in there. Of course in the winter I liked that it could get hot, but in the summer didn't. I guess I can be fickle. I had a visit with a friend yesterday, too, and was saddened by some of her news. A mutual friend has stopped talking to her. She hasn't stopped completely, but she doesn't confide in her anymore. We think there might be physical abuse; we know there is verbal abuse going on. It must be so sad to think that this is the way you are supposed to be treated. Her father was abusive too, so she has known nothing else. She is nearly 50 years old. What a life. Tomorrow is our church's Family Fun Fest. There are inflatable toys like a slide and bounce house, carnival type games, and a cook-out. We have invited several families as our guests and I think they are all coming. The boys are very excited. I am in charge of the games, so today I will be blowing up ballons.

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