Saturday, July 28, 2007

The grass is mowed. I worked in the garden for a while this morning and then started mowing. I didn't at first plan to mow it all, but the more I looked at it, the more I realized it all needed doing. I try not to mow too often, saving gas and the environment. I was trying to time the mowing so it would be looking nice when I have kids here for day camps in August. It wasn't quite working out, so I suppose I will have to mow more often in a week or so. Too bad for the environment, aesthetics is winning. The boys and I walked over to the area where they are putting a new road in next to our land. It goes very far back. I think it will be a large development. I am trying to look at the positive in that- our kids may find some friends, and the value of our place increases- but looking at the way the earth is being mutilated makes me sick. There is a beautiful area in the back that looks like it will be a cul-de-sac. I am sure it will be a high selling area, but I wish they would have made it into a green park instead. I told my mother-in-law recently that I have what I want, so I am happy. I just hope the neighbors turn out to be nice.

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