Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We woke to crying goats this morning. The boys and I had a 4-H County Council meeting last night so we fed earlier than usual and put the kids in the coop away from Millie. I guess they were pretty hungry. Yesterday Kelly woke me by coming in the bedroom and tapping my arm with her paw. I guess tomorrow will be the chickens' turn to sound the alarm. Much better than a blaring buzzer, that's for sure. ------------ Sunday was a good sermon about discipleship. The point was that being a disciple of Christ means serving others. Serving others is often inconvenient and bothersome. I have so many other things to do. I work up until the last second before church, which makes it a chore to give a ride to someone. I do a lot during the week, so cooking a meal for a sick person or the shelter is just one more thing I have to do. (sigh) Serving others means putting their needs before your own, and becoming Christ to them. What an honor and privilege, I must remember that when I start to sigh. ------------- It occured to me yesterday that homeschooling is a full time job. I was so tired last week and assumed it was the weather, but I think now it was starting back to school. I remember being tired like that the first week or so when I used to teach school for a living. Yesterday just kept going and going. I did manage a 20 minute nap in the afternoon, but otherwise I was on the go. I have to imagine it is what it would be like if I was still teaching professionally. The housework, garden, animals, extra-curricular activities, etc. would still need to be done, AND I would be gone all day teaching. At least this way I get to throw a load of laundry in or sweep the floor in-between lessons. But I love homeschooling my children, and I wouldn't change a thing.

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