Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I took the boys to a class on snake identification yesterday. I was hoping to identify what snakes we have been seeing around here. It seems that most of what we have seen are probably rat snakes. They come in different shades so it is hard to say, from my perspective anyway. I found out that a King Snake will eat all other snakes. That explains the stories I have heard of black snakes eating copperheads. It was probably the king snake. Hubby was trying to be Father of the Year. #1 really wanted to read the new Harry Potter book, but it is a rule in our house that Daddy has to read it first and give approval. #1 was upset by that because his dad is a slow reader. So my Sweetie bought the book and secretly spent over a day reading it. Then last night, for Guys Night Out, they went to dinner and then came home. Daddy told them to go sit on the couch, as if they were in trouble, and then began reading to them aloud. They were very pleased. Hubby says we need to read it aloud to them because there is some language that needs to be glossed over, but he thinks the story is fine. We went to the library yesterday too. #1 checked out some Warrior books that a friend has been reading. They are about cats' and dogs' secret battles. So last night they listened to Harry Potter, and then when I went to read aloud from The Long Winter, they were both in the living room reading books from the library. We are a very bookish family.

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