Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Millie is now a milker. The goats are one month and two days old and they had to sleep away from Mommy last night. The girl, Milky Way, cried like a baby. I'm surprised she had any voice left. I got almost a quart of milk out of Millie, that's better than when she had Elvis. Twins must be requiring more milk. I picked them up last night and they are quite fat and sleek. I mowed grass yesterday and started weeding the garden. I picked a HUGE bucket of cucumbers, so I guess I will be making pickles soon. The potatoes are starting to come up and the beans and sweet potatoes look pretty good. We have no luck with corn. A storm came through a couple of weeks ago and it tore down most of the corn. Now it is all dead from that. ________ The full week that we were gone on vacation Hubby and I went on a retreat in Ohio. It was for pastors and their spouses. There is no technology allowed--computers, email, cell phones, television. We spent the week renewing our friendship with each other and our relationship with God. I spent most of the time reading the New Testament. Being out of our routine during summer break had me out of my reading habit. I was thirsty for the Word. I sat outside on the porch or in the hammock and just read the Bible. It was good. A little insight was given to me about my husband. I have always felt like he watches too much television. He has it on while he writes, reads, relaxes, whatever. I can't handle that. It is distracting and makes me waste time. So while we were on retreat there was no tv. I didn't have a problem with that, but I did have a problem staying inside with him to read. I have to be outside. It occured to me that being outside is how I stay connected with God, how I stay focused, how I get things done. Not being able to do that is like my husband not being able to have the tv on while he works. Strange how we focus so differently.

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