Sunday, July 01, 2007

It is 5 a.m. and I am awake. I woke up about 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I thought maybe if I write about some things, then I may slow my brain down enough to get a nap in before I have to get ready for church. I spent Saturday working hard outside. It was supposed to rain all day, and then they changed it to the afternoon. I was planning on getting in as much work outside as I could and then working on things inside. Well the rain never came until suppertime, so I was able to get a lot done, but I probably pushed myself too much. The back is really achy. I put up new wire in the chicken coop, cleaned the coop and spread it on the garden, washed out all of the watering devices with Clorox, and cleaned the camp chairs for our 4th of July celebration. I am looking forward to vacation next week, but I have so much to do to get ready that I am having trouble relaxing. My uncle is to come and visit some time in the next couple of days, and hopefully he will be able to take Elvis to my dad's house. Then my dad can take Elvis to the stock sale up there. I tried to take him here, but with no trailer it is difficult to find someone to help. I still have to confirm people watching the animals while we are gone. My kid that always watched them for me and did a good job moved this May, so now I am in search of a trustworthy person. I need to be ready to jump right into school when we get back, too. Which doesn't mean so much for school, but I want to have everything around the house finished so that I can focus on school and not try to finish up projects. Projects are always easier when the extra kids are gone and school is not in session. I have also scheduled a lot for August so I need to work on those things when we get back. I have scheduled 2 day camps and an economics course; therefore I lose 3 weeks in August. I am really looking forward to what we will be learning though. One is an environmental day camp and the other is science-- lots of experiments. The economics is a course that I won a grant to teach. So all of that, the garden, the house, vacation, church, letters that need written, and probably more have been keeping me awake. Now that they are all out there I should go to sleep. I sure hope.

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