Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Still Resting

The dog and I are enjoying being near the furnace. Hubby took her out this morning to get the paper and break the ice for the animals. The dog tried several times to get him to come back inside. She is a bit spoiled. I think we will be taking her with us to WV next week. It doesn't look like there will be a break in the temps, and she isn't used to being outside during extreme cold. In WV we can keep her in our parents' garages. I did not finish the laundry yesterday, though I came close. I thought about taking the boys to see a movie, but decided we have plenty of access to movies right here at home, and we stayed in. We watched Home Alone 2. They hadn't seen the Home Alone movies before so it was fun to hear them laugh at the absurdity of it all. This morning Hubby and I read through some devotional things with #1 and answered some questions together. Some of it was on goal-setting, and the differences between Hubby and I are funny. I see goal-setting as boring and stifling because it is setting up rules for myself. Hubby sees it as freeing and energizing because it gives him something to look forward to. I guess in that manner opposites attracted. We aren't very opposite though. Tomorrow we celebrate 21 years of marriage, and I think it is our likenesses that have kept us happily married for so long. So my restfulness continues tomorrow as we go out to dinner and maybe see a movie. I asked if we could go to the grocery, but he said I should try to go today. Where is his romantic side?!

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