Friday, December 03, 2010

Two Weeks in One Post

Everything is turned in!!! WOO HOO!! #1 turned in 6 project records and #2 turned in 8. If they win at the county level it goes on to the district judging that I help with in the spring. #2 just received his check for the two gold projects he won at the district level this past spring. $100 sure makes it feel a lot more worth all of the hassle. He would like to buy an ipod. The play a couple of weeks ago went well. The king was able to recover and medicate himself enough to be at both performances. That was a big relief to #1. He only had to remember his original lines that way. The director did say that #1 got some brownie points for later for stepping up like that. Both sets of parents were here for four days. They rode down together from WV, and helped take care of things while I did make up during the play. We had a nice visit with them. The boys had been counting the days until their grandparents arrived. Now they count the days until they go to WV themselves. We celebrated Thanksgiving with our parents on Monday. They did all of the cooking while I went to the eye doctor. Everything has stayed stable in the last year, and my prescription is the same. I haven't decided yet if I will get the bifocals. I don't have to have them, but I am noticing more and more that it is harder for me to read. Anyway, we ate the feast together, and I didn't have to cook any of it! It was nice to have them here to visit with and to help out. Another friend had her family visiting at the same time, and she was telling me about their strained relationship. She couldn't believe that my husband's parents and mine would actually drive down together and stay for four days. It's nice to have such involved and cooperative grandparents. Since we didn't need to prepare a feast on Thursday I was able to relax on Thanksgiving Day. I decided to rest and use it as a holiday. I sat on the couch and shopped the whole day. I nearly completed my holiday shopping that day! Of course I have been shopping at different times throughout the year and it has all been hidden throughout the house. Now things are wrapped and waiting in the spare room. The boys have already been shaking and feeling things to make their guesses. They are so funny. A few days after the play #1 ended up having the same fever that the King had had. #1 suffered a couple of days with it and then has had a cough since. He always ends fevers with coughs that last a few weeks. That should get him better right before Christmas. Now we have two weeks of school left, and then the holiday season will be in full force. Of course a lot of festivities start now. Tomorrow night the boys are going to a party to sing carols while riding through a neighborhood. Then they head back for hot chocolate and goodies. Hubby and I are planning a quiet evening at home. Sunday evening is our church Holiday Banquest and Talent Show. #2 is planning to juggle and Hubby always writes a story for the event. So that catches you up on the last two weeks. Hope your holidays have been and will continue to be a blessing to you and yours.

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