Friday, May 20, 2011

Burn the Books!

I invited the co-op kids over for a burning party after school was out a week or so. They were invited to bring their projects to burn in the fire. This was a neat project the kids did as a group. They made a life-sized cardboard model of a student and then tore out pieces from a magazine to create the person on the cardboard. This model looked very real. It was the only thing he brought to burn. His sisters wanted to keep it to throw darts at it, so he thought he better get rid of it. My kids burned some papers and the science fair project display.
Not many kids were able to come, and we had planned to play Capture the Flag, so instead they watched The Inspector General with Danny Kaye. Then they played Apples to Apples. I love all of these kids, they are so fun and easy-going, and for the most part they are well-behaved. I'm glad my kids have good friends.
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