Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Beautiful Wedding

We went to a wedding at our church this weekend. It was very much a family/church event. Everyone helped out in some way, from cleaning the carpets, to moving furniture, to being the emcee, to everything else. I think that was part of what made it one of the loveliest weddings I have ever attended. These two playing the violin and viola were great. She is the bride's new sister-in-law and he is a long time family friend. 
Here is the absolutely gorgeous bride being escorted down the aisle by her oldest brother, husband to the violin player. He also carried his daughter, the flower girl, down the aisle since she decided she couldn't walk that far. She is 2.
Here they are in front of the most handsome preacher I have ever laid eyes on. I tried to get several pictures of him, but that bride kept getting in the way. What was she thinking!?
This was the first wedding I have been able to attend that Hubby has resided over. I have either been having a baby or not invited to the others. He did a lovely job speaking about the difficulty of keeping a promise that is to last an entire lifetime.
Here they are; married at last!
And here we are; still married after 21 years!
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1 comment:

anne conover said...

Your husband did do an amazing job and it was one of the most beautiful weddings I've attended as well...not that I'm biased or anything. I missed most of the reception, but well worth it and I'm sure it was lovely :). I also thought how awesome it was that the entire FAMILY pitched in...and I'm not talking about our extended biological families present! It helped Katie & Brandon stay within their budget!!