Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Kingdom of Heaven 2

I borrowed this one from Preacher Man, but I am extending it a little.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a woman who cleans out her attic and then visits Antique's Roadshow. She pulls out her junk from life, never expecting it to be worth anything to anyone, and she is told it is priceless. Ecstatic, she rushes home to insure her prized property and to tell all of her friends.
The Antique's Appraiser is God, and He knows worth when he sees it. He looks each one of us over and proclaims, "Priceless!" Then asks His Son to cover the cost so we can join His Collection.
So clean out your closet, attic, garage, whatever it is, and run to tell the neighbors of the amazing welcome you received at the King's Antique's Roadshow.

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