Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chicken Lady

"Would you like a hundred chickens?"
I tell you, I get asked the strangest questions. I was speaking at the homeschool support meeting Tuesday evening, and afterward one of the ladies came up to ask me a question. I thought it would be about the topic, teaching writing, but no. She asked if I would ike a hundred chickens. What in the world?!
A friend of theirs has 100 chickens and wants to get rid of them. She is offering to give them So if you want a free chicken I can put you in touch with the right people!
Yesterday was quite warm here, and I turned off the heat lamp on my chicks. I FORGOT!!! So they went through the night without heat! I lost two of them; eight are left and seem to be fine. I thought I was losing three, but one perked up again once I got the heat on them. It just makes me sick to think of them out there freezing to death. It only got down to about 49 degrees, but for a chick that is just too cold. Sigh.

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