Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Afternoons

When we lived in TX last time, my husband was a campus minister. He worked a lot of late nights, since college kids seem to do things at night, but we could go to church together on Sunday mornings as a family. Then after church we would have lunch, put the kids in front of a video, and head to bed with the newspaper. We read the Sunday paper together and then took a nap. I loved my Sundays.
Now we are a preacher's family. We end up at church together, but we aren't really there together. My husband races all over beforehand to make sure things are ready and covered. Then he leaves me during the sermon. Afterward he meets with people and has meetings. I nap alone, look at the paper alone, basically spend time alone.
But we have a new tradition. Usually Hubby is home early enough to get a nap of his own, look at the paper, do a little more work, and then we have some free time around dinner. So he and I have been "dating" on Sunday afternoon/evenings. We go for a walk and then to dinner. It is a good chance to reconnect before the week begins in full-swing.
Sabbath rest is a gift from God, a command given for our blessing and benefit. Thank you God for rest.

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