Tuesday, October 31, 2006

7 a.m. and the day has already had a full start. The time change is difficult. The kids were up before 6 this morning- thinking it was nearly 7. Catching Millie is difficult, too, since she can get out of the pen. We didn't get to fix that before our trip and now I am paying for it. Christa had 6 baby bunnies yesterday. One was dead this morning. I think it fell out of the nest and froze. There didn't appear to be anything wrong with it. Lost the last litter to heat. _______________ Why do I keep finding sharks' teeth in the washer? There must be a shark in the septic somewhere. The boys pick up the teeth along the road and put them in their pockets. _______________ Reading back over the last few entries, I noticed that I spoke of the silence of death the very day that Grandma entered it. _______________ One highlight from DC: I was NOT impressed with the White House. It doesn't seem as grand as the WH ought to be. There are many other buildings in DC on a grand scale, so it isn't that they weren't able to build something better. Later, I thought perhaps it is because our country wasn't founded on a dictatorship and so the house of the people (Congress) is made to look grander.

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