Friday, October 06, 2006

In Can You Drink The Cup?, Nouwen talks about living life to the fullest- drinking your cup to the bottom. He talks about how difficult that can be at times. He then talks about Jesus's life. He was a man of honor, glory, celebration, well-loved, and also a man who received spite, hatred, mass pursecution. Yet, he drank his cup to the bottom, taking the good with the bad. And by doing so, he came closer to the Father. If we want to do the same, then we must drink all that life has to offer us. He also spoke about people leaving you (as in moving away or changing their life's direction), and how hurt and sad you can be when they do. His perspective was to live with people now so as to give them your love and attention, so that when they leave you they can pass it on to others. It is like being a friend as a mission. For someone who moves often, it was an interesting way to think about friendship.

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