Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I started reading another Nouwen book, Can You Drink This Cup?, today. Again, he did a great job. Just the introduction was enough to cause lots of contemplation. I especially picked up on the thought that we each have our own cup to hold. Everyone has sorrows, just different kinds. If you compare your sorrows to someone else's you will have a different attitude about them than if you just look to Christ to help you through them. _________________ I got to go to a lecture last night sponsored by the university and a local church. I enjoyed thinking about things in a new light. The speaker was able to put into words what I have been thinking for quite a while. She gave an example of women reading the book of Ruth and then commenting on it. They all read the same book and came out with many opposing views, because of the life experiences they brought to the reading. It was good to get out and stretch my mind a bit. Thanks to my buddy for babysitting so hubby and I could "stretch" together.

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