Thursday, December 07, 2006

I hope yesterday's blog was taken in the manner in which it was intended. 2 Cor. 7 (Phillips's Translation) "For although my letter had hurt you, I don't regret it now. (as I did, I must confess, at one time) I can see that the letter did upset you, though only for a time, and now I am glad I sent it, not because I want to hurt you, but because it made you grieve for the things that were wrong. In other words, the result was to make you sorry as God would have had you sorry, and not merely to make you offended by what we said." My intention is not to beat a dead horse, but to make us aware of social justice. From time to time, I will continue to bring up this topic, so that God can work His way through it. Change comes slowly. ____________ I was telling some friends last night about my shopping hysteria. My husband asked if I willl have a social disorder by the time I am 40. The friends offered some advice, and also to take me shopping. I don't think I will take them up on the offer. ____________ We had a talent show at church on Sunday night. It was a fun family event. The boys told jokes, and #2 gave a cooking demonstration. Hubby and I read a script that we wrote called, Coastal Plains Companion. It was good to laugh after such a sad, hectic week.

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