Saturday, June 30, 2007

Goodness time has gotten away from me and I haven't written in a few days. We did make it to the beach on Thursday. We stayed for about 4 hours and had a wonderful time. The kids enjoyed their boogey boards a lot. The water was warm and they found a good spot to catch some waves. I am proud to say that #1 did not get third degree burns again this year! He kept his swim shirt on and even a hat part of the time. The waves were getting strong about the time we were leaving and there was a threat of rip currents, so it was probably good that we went when we did. Friday #1 had day camp to learn how to kayak. He had a good time. Actually his response was, "Some good, some bad." Which for him means, "Yeah, I kind of liked it." He had an arm cramp and had to be towed back to shore, so I guess that put a damper on things. I think he just got tired and gave up, as he is prone to do. We have to work on his "man-up" skills. #2 and I worked outside for a while and then went swimming with a friend. The sun was intense yesterday. I was working on tearing down the chicken wire that Elvis has once again destroyed. #2 was mowing the goat field. We are trying to start him there so that he can hopefully learn by next year how to mow well. There were big patches left and he was all over the place. That is why you start them in the goat field. I sold a chicken this week for $22! A man stopped by and wanted to get a hen for his little neighbor. He wanted to buy Carolina, but I didn't want to sell her. So he bought Virginia for $10. Yesterday he came back and again wanted to buy Carolina, but I still said no. He annoyed me long enough that I let him buy her for $12. Later, I kept thinking Goergia sure is getting around (she looks like Virginia), and then when I fed I realized that Virginia and Georgia were both in the field! He had brought back the first hen. So I was actually paid $22 for Carolina!

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