Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year. Last year Hubby and I went to bed and let the kids stay up to midnight. This year #2 was having his birthday party that night and wanted a sleepover. So we had movies, cake and ice cream, pop-its and sparklers, AND managed to stay up until midnight. The kids and I went out and set off sparklers and pop-its at midnight. Then I ran back in- it was COLD- and they stayed out a little longer to play cowboys and indians. It is nearly 8 a.m. and the kids are all sacked out in the livingroom in various positions; one little guy is going to have a stiff neck. So what about a Resolution? This will be the third year that I make the same one. It comes from Thessalonians; Make it your ambition (insert resolution) to lead a quiet life, work with your hands, and mind your own business. It is the "lead a quiet life" that I have mostly focused on, and yes after three years I am still working on it. I have a tendency to try and do too much. I enjoy life so much I want to do as much as possible. The problem is that I end up not enjoying the life when I do so much. This year I will be trying to watch my commitments- to kids' activities, teaching classes, animals, garden, etc. Each year I have gotten better, so I hope to do well with this resolution. ---------------- I did not write the family Christmas letter this year. I am hoping to write it in the next few days. It is the first year in about 15 that I haven't written one.

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